El Camino QuiltersNorth San Diego County's Premier Quilting Guild | Login |
President - Gretchen Clare
President-Elect - OPEN
Vice President - Programs - Debbie Gunning - programs @ elcaminoquilters.com
Vice President - Workshops - Diana Lacy and Connie Schramm - workshops @ elcaminoquilters.com
Vice President - Ways & Means - Patti Rusk and Nancy Bernardi
Secretary - Sharon Cooperson
Treasurer - Marian Clancy
Membership - Gwen Williams, Debbie Timmons
Advertising - Peggy Ancinec and Susie Shkolnik
Bus Trips - Debbie Cahill and Donna Green
Email - Sharon Cooperson
Facebook - Kathy Anglea and Marlene Charron
Facilities Liason - Tom Blackburn
Block Party - Phyllis Lewcock
Friendship Circles - Anna Marie Martinet
Greeter - Robin Sutherland
Guild Challenges - Susan Stanchfield, Carol Bregga and Dana Lovelace
Literature Table - Membership Chairs
Lucky Block - Laurie Paurazas
New Member Welcome Tea - The Quilt Chicks
Newsletter - Stephanie Swadell- newsletter@elcaminoquilters.com
Opportunity Quilt Making 2025– TBD
Opportunity Quilt Marketing - TBD
Philanthropy - Cuddle Quilts - Jan Jordan, Candy Mittag and Julie Calvario
Photographer - Karen Brow-Meier
Power Point Presentation and Zoom – Anne Galdos
Publicity - Phyllis Lewcock
Quilt Show - Not Scheduled
Quiltlets - Mary Ann Barbee
Retreat - Lydia Neill
SCCQG Representative - Patti Goodman - representative@elcaminoquilters.com
Sharing - Sharon Rexinger
Silent Auction - Susan Stanchfield
Sunshine Lady - Rebecca Nulty
Treasure Table - Ellen Pankuch and Paula Klaus
UFO Challenge - Kathy Proctor and Suzie Owen
Volunteer Recognition - Board Members
Website - Jeanette Blackburn, in training
Welcome Committee -